Bob Anderson

In high school Bob Anderson exhibited a natural ability to communicate.  It was only logical that he would leave high school to join the Ohio University Communications department that specialized in Radio and Television Arts.  Ohio University has one of the top Radio/Television and print Journalism schools in the country.

At OU Bob was part of the WOUB Radio department that was headed by Senior Student Roger Ailes who later became president of the conservative television network, Fox News.

Bob also started flying lessons at OU.  He and fellow GHS graduate Ed DeChant would share rides to and from Ohio University.  It was Bob’s infectious enthusiasm  for Aviation that gave DeChant the flying bug. 

After two years at OU Bob joined the Army, got married and went to Viet Nam.  It was en route to Vietnam on board a ship that Bob began to shape his ultimate future.  To help pass the time on the long journey by ship, he attended a nightly Chaplain’s Bible study where he "received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior."

In Vietnam, he served as a Chaplain’s assistant ministering to men in the field.  After his stint in the service, Bob returned to college at Youngstown State University where he graduated in 1974 while working full-time as sports director at WYTV, Channel 33 an ABC affiliate, a position he held for nine years.

During this time Bob became excited about a television minister who turned out to be a cultist!  The shock that he could be so easily deceived sent Bob on a quest to keep others from the same fate.

In 1978, Bob was offered a sports anchor position at a large television station in Texas.  However, at the same time, he also had the opportunity to join a major Christian television ministry.  With a passion for serving God above all else, he turned down the offer in Texas and embarked on a career that would span various aspects of Christian broadcasting ranging from on-air work to production to management.  “During this time,” he says,  “God was preparing me for a full-time ministry in Christian apologetics through a rigorous and exhaustive study of the Word.”

Today, Girard High School’s Bob Anderson is recognized in conservative religious circles as one of the world’s leading authorities on what his group considers cults, counterfeit religions, and New Age Philosophies. 

Bob has taught and ministered across the country and abroad in hundreds of churches, seminaries, colleges and other Christian and secular organizations.  He hosted a television show “Exposing the Lie” for over 10 years and has been a guest on television and radio programs including The 700 Club and the late D. James Kennedy’s Truths That Transform.  Bob has been a contributing author of three books:  Earth’s Final Days published by New Leaf Press and Foreshocks of Antichrist and The Concise Guide to Today’s Religions and Spirituality both published by Harvest House.

In 1984, Bob left Christian broadcasting and founded Take Heed Ministries, a Christian apologetics and discernment ministry.  Bob’s presentations have been well received by church leaders and laypersons alike.  Bob has taught in hundreds of churches, pastors’ seminars, and Bible schools in the United States.  He has ministered in England and Canada.  In 1991 and 1992, he ministered on the streets and in churches throughout Kiev, Ukraine as part of the John Guest Evangelistic Team, where he personally led over 2,000 people to Christ.  Again in 1997, Bob traveled to Ternopil, Ukraine to train churches as a representative of the K.U.R.E. Foundation.  In 1999, he taught in churches and Bible colleges throughout the greater Cebu City area of the Philippines under the auspices of The David Livingstone Missionary Foundation.

In January of 1998, Take Heed Ministries merged with Watchman Fellowship.

Bob’s constant goal is to minister to those bound by the false teachings of cults, to assist the many people who have loved ones in these groups, and to inspire and train Christians to “earnestly contend for the faith.”  Bob realizes he can reach only a limited number of people, ”but by training and equipping saints, a mighty army can be raised up against the flood of deception in today’s world,” Bob explains.

Bob is the PA state director for Watchman Fellowship, Inc. He and his wife the former Gail Lovas of Girard (Liberty), have three children and four grandchildren, and live in Murrysville, PA


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