Hi Ed,

 I found out about this site. Thought you might like a couple
photos of Dad. It's great that you have his obit on there. Thank
you. Janice

 Janice Stevens [birdland13@prodigy.net]


Dear Janice,

Your father provided the leadership for the excellent staff of teachers we had at GHS.  These teachers give our class the building blocks with which to have good contributory life.

As I talk with classmates, I am amazed at how they have helped make this world a better place than they found it.  Your dad and his staff were incredibly successful in inspiring that.   Whether it is raising children with values to pass on forward (the most important contribution in my view) or sending a laboratory into outer space, our class has done it.  It was partly due to the influence and fine example shown to us by your father.

Read through the biographies and you will find your dad mentioned frequently as a significant contributor to many of our classmates philosophy of life.

Ed DeChant. 

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Hi, I found out about this site. Thought you might like a couple
photos of Dad. It's great that you have his obit on there. Thank
you. Janice

 Janice Stevens [birdland13@prodigy.net]

Dear Janice,

Your father provided the leadership for the find teachers at GHS to give our class the building blocks with which to have good life.

As I talk with classmates I am amazed at how they have made this place a better place than they found it.  Whether it is raising children with values to pass on (the most important contribution in my view) or sending a laboratory into outer space.