Beyond Biography

Ron Robinson---- After Ron's retirement he banded together with a group of neighbors to build an exact replica of the original Wright Flyer, the first airplane to ever fly under its own power.  Several were being built to fly on the 100th anniversary of that first flight. Some projects were backed by Million $ budgets.  But it was Ron's group who successfully flew their Wright Flyer on an extremely limited budget.  This is the story of that flight as told by Ron Robinson   Click Here to go to Ron's Beyond Biography.

Ed DeChant ---- Ed considers himself extremely fortunate to have been able to have a career in a job that he enjoyed every single day for 37 years.  Here is a reprint (updated for GHS) of a short piece he wrote for an airline publication following retirement in 2001.  Click here to go to Ed's Beyond Biography.

Wolf Mathiesen came to the halls of GHS from Germany.  It so happens that he was there for the reunification of East and West Germany.  He plans to share with classmates some of the emotion of that day, reflecting on this, perhaps the most positive day in recent German History.  Coming soon.

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