Connie Faiver


Carol Etherington and Connie at Amens Corner


Shy, unassuming, Connie Faiver is proof positive that good things come in small packages.

 Connie’s activities during the past 50 years have centered around family, friends and volunteering at the First Christian Church.

After high school Connie worked a year for a bank and two years for a group of doctors before marrying Carl Malito who was in the class of 1959.

Carl had followed his father into the family business at Girard Machine, a heavy steel fabricating company located below Churchill Rd.  Carl wanted Connie to quit work and become a homebody.  She bonded readily into that roll.

Family became the centerfold of her life as she raised two sons and a daughter.  The boys, Mark and Tom, live 5 minutes from Connie today.   Daughter Carla lives only 15 minutes.

These three children have provided Connie and Carl with 8 grandchildren that have given the couple much happiness. “Three children and all their activities followed years later  by eight grandchildren and all their activities have filled my calendar for decades,” Connie explains.

Friends have also played a major role in Connie’s life.  She has stayed in close contact with many classmates, especially the Amen Corners Gang.  

Connie has always been there to help out  when asked with classmate reunions.  A handful of classmates volunteer a great deal of time on behalf of all of us.  Jerry Eicher used to frequently depend on Connie for help when he was involved with the organization of these reunions.  He spoke in glowing terms of Connie's work often.

Activities with classmates are a close second to family functions for Connie.

She remembers a great trip to Hawaii that she and Carl did with Marsha and Dick Ambrose and another one they did with Jerri and Bill Carson to Las Vegas.   “We broke up the long flight to Hawaii by staying 3 nights in San Francisco,” she explains. “It was terrific, but I learned I do not enjoy long flights.” 

Connie and Carl have a family house not far from Tampa Florida where they spends happy family vacations together.  “It is a big house, we can really pack them all in,” she adds. 

One time the Amens Corner Gang joined Connie in Florida, without their husbands, for  a “shop til you drop”  vacation.  “It was a great time. We all enjoyed being together,”  she says.

Although they make several visits to Florida each year, Connie prefers to spend most of her time in Girard.  “I guess I am a true homebody, a home town girl to the end.” she adds.  “Two weeks away is just about my limit.” 

Connies two son’s have, like their father, joined in the family business in Girard making this a  3 generation family company.  Daughter Carla works as a physical therapist.

As some of the grandkids are now in their teenage years, Connie has found herself with more free time.  She joined a quilting group a few years ago and thus far has completed 3 quilts.   They can take from 7 to 12 months to complete,” she explains. 

Connie is extremely happy with her life and if she had the chance to do it over she would not change a thing.  “It does not get any better than this,” she exclaims.


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