Let the Festivities Begin--Thursday Sept 26

It was Thursday afternoon when Rick and Jim showed up at my dad's house on Wilson Ave.  We reminisced for a while and then decided to go over to Carol's house where Nipper was staying.  Ona, Jim, Rick and I went to Prospect (taking some of Jim's fine wine with us.

We were only there about 20 minutes when Joe called to see if anything was happening tonight.  "Get your butt over here, bring some wine," we ordered.

Then a knock on the door and Ron Marks came in bringing welcome gifts.  Four bottles of wine later we decided to get some food.  Amen Corners was the choice.  Ron had evening plans so our group changed from 8 to 7.

Nipper, Joe and Carol

Rick, Jim and Ona

Meanwhile other festivities were beginning at the Malito Household.

Bill and Jerri Carson, Carl and Connie Molito, Dick and Marsha Ambrose, Jim and Bonnie Santagata--JS

Amen Corners Pre Game--Friday

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